Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tumbling Trance

She couldn’t wait to get to her first Tumbling class.

She put on her leotard hours before we even had to leave.

When it was finally time to go, she sang a song about Tumbling in the backseat. (“I love to tumble. I love to jump. I love cheese!”) (Yeah, the last bit was weird to me, too.)

(Although cheese is delicious.)

We got there early and she stared at the room she’d be in. All the various equipment and oh—the trampolines!

Then it was time to begin. She didn’t even bother giving me a hug, she just raced over to her brand new teacher.

“Have fun,” I called out.

I thought Natalie would have a blast. But I watched as she’d stare off into space when the teacher was telling them things.

She did great on the balance beam—well, the first half. Then she stared off into space again and oops, she fell to the ground.

So okay, she’s a daydreamer. Nothing wrong with that. I’m a daydreamer. I constantly go off into a trance and think about random things. (Such as, should I stop and get a slurpee at 711?....I shouldn’t feel bad about not cooking meat all the way, the chefs on Hell’s Kitchen do it at all the time and they’re supposed to be professionals...who ate all the Oatmeal Cream Pies?...oh, that was me…)

Natalie’s teacher was explaining how to spread your arms and legs while jumping on the trampoline.

Natalie did this once, and then went off into a trance.

I wanted to remind her to focus. But I was on the other side of the window and she wouldn’t be able to hear me.

Still, she seemed to enjoy her first Tumbling class. True, she might not have been as focused as the other kids—but she’s four, she has the attention span of a gnat.

Of course, all the other kids in her class are four too….

When it was all over, Natalie came over to me with a smile.

“Did you like that?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Why weren’t you paying attention though?” I wondered.

Natalie tugged my arm so I’d get down to her level. She cupped a hand around her mouth and leaned against my ear.

“Because,” she whispered, “I was trying to find a way to tell the teacher I needed to pee.”


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