Thursday, August 25, 2011

Inside Natalie's Closet

It’s no secret that I love to buy my children clothes.

So every once in awhile I’ll post an entry with their latest outfit.

The following was Natalie’s first day of PreK outfit.

Yup. From Gymboree.

And yes, she insisted on the cat purse.

She’s like, “What should I call him?”

She ended up calling him, “Meow.”

But then she thought it over and was like, “I want to call him Kitty.”

And weirdly, then she did this.

We switched to another outfit.

Natalie blew a violent kiss.

And then did some poses.

She found a piece of grass and wanted to keep it. I said no. Mainly because said grass winds up torn all over my floor.

So she posed some more.

I really like this shot:

I entered it in The Children’s Place photo contest but they denied it. Apparently the kids HAVE to be in their clothes.


Gymboree, you need to have a photo contest!

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