This is a plant in my front yard garden.
No, I did not plant it.
Base housing did. And they expect me to keep everything in said garden alive.
I’m not sure if I should cut it, water it, or sell it.
I’m kidding on the last part. I’m not in an episode of Weeds.
But what is it?
I’m worried if I pull it out that housing will pound on my door demanding to know why I got rid of the rare Baquish plant.
(There’s no such thing as a Baquish plant. I made it up.)
(Then again, there COULD be a Baquish plant. I don’t garden so I wouldn’t know.)
Odds are, housing wouldn’t plant anything expensive so it can’t be rare.
And it looks like a weed.
So, should I pull it up?
Or prune it?
(Isn’t that a funny word? Prune. It’s not just something you eat. It’s something you DO. Haha...okay, maybe I’m just amused with the word.)
(I’ve been drinking too much sweet tea.)
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