Friday, August 26, 2011

She'll Never...

For starters, she cried on the very first day of class.

And then she latched herself onto my leg.

I tried to pry her fingers from around my knee but she has a strong grasp.

Her teacher had to coax her in and even then, Natalie sniffled unhappily.

For the next class Natalie reluctantly went in but danced to the beat of her own drum. She'd be off in the corner shaking her butt and the teacher would have to call her back to the class.

"Natalie," she'd say. "First position."

I watched Natalie through the window that is set up to observe the kids. She said, "I don't like the first position."

I sighed.

Natalie, my darling daughter, would never be a prima ballerina.

But that's fine. Look what went on with Natalie Portman in Black Swan.

The thing is, when Natalie (my Natalie, not Natalie Portman) does what she is told, she does it well. She'll do the first, second, third and fourth positions. She'll spin around the room. But then she'll be like, "I'm over the ballet moves. Time to boogie," and her butt will start wagging again.

Other kids do this too though. That makes me feel a little better. The class is for 3-5 year olds. And 3-5 year olds don't have the greatest attention span.

They are doing a recital for a retirement home in December.

I can only hope that Natalie doesn't try to shake her butt at the over 55 crowd.

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