Monday, August 1, 2011

Wanted: Bun Lady

I have a secret.

I’m almost embarrassed to admit it.

Okay. Here it goes.

I can’t do little girl hair.


I said it.

Hell, I can barely do my own hair.

So when I came across this:

I panicked.

I signed Natalie up for ballet and didn’t think about the fact that I’d PROBABLY HAVE TO PUT HER HAIR INTO A BUN.

I don’t know how to do buns.

She usually leaves her hair down or I put it in two braids or pigtails. And let me tell you, when I do this, they are never perfectly center. One braid is usually higher than the other. One pigtail is usually way down low while the other is on top of her head.

Basically, I suck.

I checked Google and there was a site that explained how to do a bun. I tried it on Natalie. But…but…I did something wrong. Somehow I made a big knot in the back of her head that took me ten minutes to brush out.

“You don’t know what you’re doing, do you?” Natalie said matter-of-factly as I struggled to make her hair normal again.


I don’t know what I’m doing.

I can only hope there is a Bun Lady at ballet. Someone who will happily do buns for the hair challenged mother. Hopefully for free. Or, if she insists on something, I can pay her in chocolate.

You put my daughter’s hair up, I give you a Twix.

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