Saturday, May 14, 2011

Project 365 - Week 20

It is Week 20 of Project 365 and what a relatively uneventful week I had.  I truly like those kind.  We have two more weeks left of school and I am REALLY looking forward to that!  I am so thankful that my dear blogging friend, Sara, over at ...make music to the Lord took this on as a project.  I have really enjoyed hunting for the perfect picture each day.  If you would like to see some amazing pictures....from people who are amateurs and some who are not then click on the link I provided and check out Sara's blog.  I promise that you won't be sorry.
Sunday, May 8th - Mother's Day

Monday, May 9th -Frank's Birthday
The top picture I took backing out of my driveway.  It was a hazy morning and I was on my way to good ole BRHS for another day at the salt mine.  The sun was peeking through the tree.  I thought it was glorious and looked like a huge orange in the sky.  The bottom picture was made later in the day when Frank and I were making a quick trip to Wal-mart.  The sun is going down on me....and once again it looked like a huge orange ball.  I think the sunset one looks a lot clearer...but then there was no haze.  Both pictures were made through the windshield of my car.

Tuesday, May 10th
Tonight the Alex City Education Association (I am Vice President/President Elect) had a retirement dinner for anyone who is retiring from the Alex City System at Cecil's.  I had to stay in town so I went to my friend Jo's to kill a couple of hours before the dinner.
 Jo always has a tablescape done in her dining room.  She is ready for company at a moments notice.  She changes it out often so you never know what to expect....and can that woman do some things with flowers.
Her kitchen/breakfast room is done is ivy and apples and it is so cozy.
 One of my favorite things at her house is her collection of Santas.  It is a really neat thing to see.  Each one is very unique.

Wednesday, May 11th

I love magnolias and since they are in bloom right now I found a public tree on the way home today and shot a couple of blooms and buds.

Thursday, May 12th

Just off of 8th St in Alexander City there is a little quiet neighborhood just tucked away amid some trees.  The houses are older and smack dab in the middle is this little lake.  Frank and I had to be in Alex City on Thursday night for the bowling payout and we rode around til I got the reflections and sun on the lake just right.

Friday, May 13th 

I took Frank out for dinner tonight.  We decided to go to Auburn.  The restaurant where we were going to eat did not open until 5, so I thought we could ride around a bit and see what I could find to shoot.  While waiting for a light....Frank and I both spotted this at the same time and I had to do it.  Do you know what this is????????  We both laughed our heads off.
This is where we ate supper.  It is one of our favorite places in Auburn.  Patsy, Kayla, and David introduced us to it while we were pastoring at Waverly.  It is so yummy!

Saturday, May 14th
Today was a glorious day of celebration.  The little family below adopted this precious baby and the adoption is now final.  They had a cookout/celebration and invited Frank and I to be a part and I was so delighted to be there.  The little baby is adorable.  She has the prettiest eyes.  Her mom is crazy about her...her grandmothers are crazy about her...and her daddy...well...let's just say he is already wrapped around her tiny little finger.  This baby is so blessed to be in such a loving family.  God is good!

Hope you have a wonderful week.  My countdown has begun....two more weeks = 10 more days.

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