What else could make that grumbling noise?
A bear was in my freaking bed. I lifted my pillow, prepared to smack the bear away. Not that a pillow could do much. Still. I had to do SOMETHING…I had to….
And then I remembered.
It wasn’t a bear.
It was my husband. Tom. Asleep beside me. Making a bear noise.
Snoring, some might call it.
But when a person is suddenly awakened from a deep sleep, they might think it was a bear.
Beside them.
Or maybe it’s just me.
I stared up at the ceiling and smiled. I didn’t even mind being woken up. Tom was home! After nine months of being away in Korea, he was back. In my bed. Snoring.
True, I’d probably only find this endearing the first few days. And then I’d want to smother him with the pillow. But I needed to focus on the good.
Tom made it home.
My Mom, who had been visiting, drove us all to the airport. I was nervous the entire drive down. I clasped my hands in my lap. I chewed my lower lip. I ran my fingers through my unruly hair. I had wanted to wear a dress, but the Wyoming weather wasn’t cooperating. I figured greeting Tom while shaking from a chill plus goosebumps all up my arms wouldn’t be attractive. So I had on jeans with a nice black top.
Mom took a picture of me and the kids before we left:
I so wish I could apply my makeup better. I wish I could afford a makeup artist. Or at least have a friend who knows what she is doing. Or he. Some men apply makeup very well.
I started to lift my fingernail to my mouth to chew it. It’s a horrible habit, I know. Then I realized that my Mom would probably smack it away or give me a Look. I didn’t want to pick my skin around my nails because ew, what a way to greet Tom. Hi sweets, I haven’t seen you in nine months, please excuse my diseased looking hands.
What if…oh God, what if bats flew out of….well, down there? I haven’t engaged in any kind of activity for nine months. What if it closed up since it hasn’t been used? What if Tom expected me to do something fancy like bend a certain way? Maybe he’s forgotten that I don’t bend. And that I’m clumsy and tend to smack into things when I attempt to be sexy.
Or get the giggles, which I hate, but I can’t help it.
When we arrived at the airport, I took a couple deep breaths. It would be okay. We settled down at the arrivals section and waited…
…and waited…
…and waited…
Tom’s plane was delayed. I kept my eyes glued on the people filtering out and didn’t see him.
What did he look like again?
Oh right. Bald.
Probably with a funny t-shirt on.
Mom checked the screen to see if Tom’s plane landed. It kept saying 11:10 and nothing more.
It was 11:20.
“Where’s my Daddy?” Natalie asked. She had on a pink princess dress complete with sparkly pink shoes.
“He’s coming,” I vowed.
Where was he?
“Amber,” I heard Mom say.
What if the plane didn’t come until after midnight? Or never? What if he—
“Amber,” Mom repeated.
Oh my God, what if the plane crashed? It was coming from Los Angeles, what if a starlet lost her mind, charged the cockpit and started screaming? I could so see Lindsay Lohan pulling that stunt. Or a Real Housewife pissed off that she had been filmed from her left side and not her right, which is much more flattering…
“Amber, look.”
I glanced over and spotted a familiar man across the room.
It…could it be…
I need a new glasses prescription, I think, because it took me a few seconds to register that yes, it was Tom.
I always picture reunions like the ones in movies….you know, a couple running towards each other? With Tom throwing his luggage passionately on the ground so he can scoop me into his arms and twirl me around?
Only, he couldn’t do that, because he was holding his laptop case and if he threw it down, it would break.
So instead I approached him and he gave me an awkward hug and a kiss, while the kids ran over.
“Daddy!” Natalie said happily. “My Daddy!’
Seriously, she kept whispering, “Daddy...daddy...” as though she couldn’t believe he was really home.
“Hi Dad,” Tommy said, playing it cool.
On the drive home Tom told us about his flight. He loved the one from Korea to Los Angeles. Apparently he got slippers. And the food was amazing.
He said LAX frightened him. “There were so many stick thin fake women walking around. I wanted to stuff a burger in their mouths.”
It’s been fantastic having him home. He’s been helping a lot which is a good thing because the movers come to pick up our stuff on the 14th. Have I mentioned we have a lot of stuff?
Natalie doesn’t like Tom to be out of her sight. If he walks off she’s like, “Is my Daddy coming back?”
I know she loves me.
But she is definitely a Daddy’s Girl.
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