The end of the school year is so close I can taste it. I am so ready for summer. The past two years have been tough ones for me. I have a countdown posted on the board in my classroom. We have 13 full days (May 5-24), 3 half days (May 25-27). Exams will begin...for the Seniors on the 24th. They will take 1-2 block during regular class. That is a nightmare for those of us who have mixed grade classes like me. the 25th will be 3-5 block exam for all grades, and then the 9th - 11th graders will take their 1-2 block tests on the 26th. The 25th and 26th will be half days for the kids/whole days for teachers. Then....we have to make up a day.....and the kids have to come all day on the 27th....Graduation Day! The seniors will be at the field practicing, tests will be given, what will be left to do? If any of my kids show up....we are cleaning my room. The Tuesday after Memorial Day....teachers have to come back. I think I am going to eat some bad potato salad on Monday.....and take a sick day! I don't need the inservice hours. We have to get 25 a year and I have over 100. Ok...I am an over-achiever. I can't help it if I like to take classes and attend conferences. I love them! Keep me in your prayers as we get through the final weeks of school. Summertime Here I Come!
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