Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To cringe when people constantly sing The Climb at karaoke night or on those singing shows. It’s been overdone. There are many other songs to choose from.

To love the Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper. The real stuff, not the whole grain crap.

To not be surprised that Mariah Carey named her twins Moroccan and Monroe. Heaven forbid ‘celebrity’ babies are ever named something normal.

To say, “Did the person up front order the whole menu?” when the drive thru line takes forever to move.

To have exclaimed, “But there isn’t a TARGET in England!” when my husband first told me we were moving there. I survived the 3 years somehow.

To love the movie Beetlejuice. (Dayyy-ooooo!)

To feel strange when other wives whose husbands are in Korea say, “Oh, we talk for hours on Skype on his days off!” Tom and I usually talk 10 minutes. Sometimes 20. I’ve never been an extra chatty person. I tell him how things are, he tells me how things are, and then I say I’m going.

To still hate the term “staycation.” Just say, “I’m not going anywhere this summer.”

To wish I had an Italian friend who could make me all sorts of fabulous Italian dishes.

To wince when people shorten words into cutesy words. Such as, “Oh my gosh, you look ADORBS in that!” Or, “You look ridic!”

To still really be impressed with those extreme couponers but I’m sorry, I don’t have all that time to dedicate to buying a bunch of nail polish and Cheerios. I would do it for the laundry detergent. But one chick said she spends 60 hours a week couponing and has even cancelled plans to coupon. Um?

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