Wednesday, May 4, 2011

25 Things About Me

US Weekly does this thing where they ask a celebrity to list 25 things about them. I decided to steal the idea even though I’m not as interesting as a celebrity. Still. I thought it would be fun. (And okay, because I have nothing else to write about today)


1. I spill something on me at least once per day. I am not a neat eater.

2. My Mom retired as Colonel in the Air Force. She’s one of my role models.

3. My Dad stayed home with me as I grew up. It wasn’t as normal for men to stay home with kids back then. He’s also a role model.

4. I can’t dance. I try, but it turns out I have no rhythm.

5. I met my best friend Jennifer when our husbands were both stationed in England. She lived right across the street from me. It was fabulous.

6. Lost is one of my favorite TV shows.

7. I like to have cake or cookies for breakfast. I feel if you eat that stuff early, you can burn it all off throughout the day.

8. I started writing stories when I was about 10. Those stories mainly were about large families.

9. I’m an only child, which is why I always loved the idea of large families.

10. I never babysat as a teenager which is why I seriously had no idea what I was doing when my son was born.

11. I tried to take a Lamaze class but I couldn’t take all the breathing sounds seriously so I dropped out.

12. I can’t do Yoga. I’ve tried, but all the chanting and the different positions make me giggle. And once, when a lady bent over, she farted and no one even reacted except me. It was like being in a room with bendy robots who didn’t laugh over farts.

13. I basically wear my Sketcher Shape Ups with everything.

14. I only have 5 pairs of shoes. I’m missing the shoe loving gene most women have.

15. This could be because I can’t walk in heels. I’ve been known to crash into things when I have them on.

16. I kicked ass in Mario Kart for the Nintendo 64. I could beat any guy, including my husband, who would pout and claim I was cheating.

17. I wish I could put things together without the help of a man. I just wasn’t blessed with the ability. I really try though because I hate the whole “woe is me, I need a man,” bit.

18. I can only dog paddle in the pool. My son, who is 9, swims better than me.

19. I hate putting my head under the water in the pool. It’s not because I’m worried about my hair, it’s because I’m worried I’ll, you know, die.

20. I’d love to have my breasts enlarged at some point—not so I can look like Barbie, but so I won’t look flat-chested when I’m laying down. I’m a 34 A and would like a 34 B.

21. I love the movie Labyrinth. I can sing all the songs. My kids would prefer I didn’t.

22. I’d like to go to Prince Edward Island one day. Anne of Green Gables made it look so beautiful.

23. Some women ask how I handle my husband being gone all the time. I suppose since I was an only child, I don’t mind being alone.

24. In high school I dragged my then boyfriend to see Titanic 5 times. I still feel bad about that.

25. I know women say this and don’t truly mean it, but I look for a sense of a humor in a guy BEFORE looks. If a guy can make me laugh, I’m intrigued.

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