Friday, May 27, 2011

Tom Is Home...Almost

You know how hosts of those game shows are all dramatic when they announce the winner?

Like Phil from The Amazing Race goes, “7 continents, 10 countries, 6 states…YOU are the official winner of The Amazing Race.”

I sort of picture him saying something like that about my reunion with Tom tonight. I can picture him standing there saying, “9 months. 270 days. 6570 hours. 23,000 seconds. These two have experienced heartbreak, frustrations, and have probably forgotten what sex even is. But tonight. Tonight, folks, these two will be reunited.”


It’s true. Tonight I will see Tom again. His flight comes in around 10.

I’m a little nervous.

I mean, I’ve seen him on Skype. But that’s not totally the same.

I can actually touch him.

Push him over, even. I’ve done this, when he’s threatened to eat all my chocolate. Actually, he barely moves when I push him. He’s much stronger than I am. I sort of shove against his shoulder and he stands there looking at me like, “Really?”

If the weather improves, I plan on wearing a dress. No panties. I’m kidding. Panties. My mother is here. My children are here. I can’t go commando without feeling naked.

Crap. I just realized I better put a towel on his towel holder. It’s been empty for so long.

But yeah.


Tom will be home.

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