But it wasn’t easy.
It took a lot of work to get that picture.
When we first started, she wanted nothing to do with the camera. I started singing a Yo Gabba Gabba song and she promptly shushed me. Then I did some wild moves that made it look as though I had an ice cube down my back and I was working hard to get it out. Her response? “I don’t YIKE this.”
So I sang another Yo Gabba Gabba song. I was all, “I want to be big, big, big, not small, small, small,” and a guy walking past went, “Sorry to hear that.” “It’s a song!” I shouted back. Great. Now Stranger Dude thinks I have height issues.
Still, Natalie refused to smile.
I asked her, “What do you think of the health care bill?” And she was all, “Dude, it’s 2000 pages, who knows?”
Then she blatantly ignored me. Apparently grass was more interesting than her mother. The woman who birthed her.
I refused to give up. So I went to what usually works.
I ran into the side of the house.
A-ha. I was getting somewhere. And yes, it’s a little disturbing that violence gets her to smile.
If bumping into the house gets her to smile for me....
Then I’ll do it.
Bruises be damned.
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