Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. So without further ado...

Hey, It's Okay....

To not watch the Academy Awards. The Amazing Race is more entertaining anyhow.

To pull a Kate Gosselin and shout at your husband to “get his ass off his computer game and HELP with the kids,” after he’s been sitting in front of it for over 2 hours.

To say, “So hot...want to touch the hiney,” when James Frain who plays (played) Thomas Cromwell comes on the screen on the show The Tudors.

To still eat sugary cereals. Nuts don’t belong in cereals and neither to things that look like miniature twigs.

To wish that children came with volume controllers.

To have sour jellybeans for dinner.

To wonder why in the WORLD your husband starts talking to you the second you turn on the vacuum. Does he honestly think you can HEAR him?

To refuse to put on scary children’s songs while driving.

To have never watched any of the CSI shows.

To wonder how in the world it would have worked out between the Richard Gere and Julia Roberts characters in Pretty Women. Wouldn’t people be all, “Weren’t you a hooker once?” It would totally be the elephant in the room.

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