What is your definition of family? Well I used to think it was related people...you know kinfolks. But through the years that definition has changed. The definition I found that best fit my own thoughts and feelings would have to be the following: “We define family as any group of people related either biologically, emotionally, or legally. That is, the group of people that a person defines as significant for his or her well-being” (McDaniel et al., 2005, p. 2). Yep, that would be us. If you have been around for a long time...whether you are blood kin or not...you are family...This picture is just part of my family. The three women on the back row are my Aunt Shirley, Aunt Jo, and my mom. My grandparents Emma Jean McCain and Lee Terrell Prophitt are in the middle and the two boys are my Uncle Trollis(dark hair) and my Uncle Larry (blonde). Two Uncles, Willie and Toby are not pictured in this family shot. This family has always been one of love and music. Most of us are musical, we either sing or play something.

If one of the children did not...then one of their kids did. We all grew up in singing in church and at home. Amanda and I were grown and married before we realized that everybody's family was not as musical as ours. I would have to say that our motto is "Have guitar, will travel." Music is always around.

When my grandparents had been married 50 years we had a huge celebration at the Alexander City Independent Methodist Church. There was a massive crowd...but as you can see from the picture most of the crowd was us. Several of us have gone on and new faces have been added. Most of the little ones in the picture are now married with children of their own. I love my family. We are a tight family for sure. Every year we do our best to get together at least once....usually in April and catch up. We talk on the phone, we facebook, we email, We are Family! Sometimes part of us have gotten together at Thanksgiving, always at Aunt Shirleys...sometimes at Christmas, Amanda's yearly Open House, weddings,

and once every few years we get together on Father's Day Saturday. That was my grandfather's birthday, June 15th. When we do that ALL the Prophitts come. It is a really large event. My grandfather was one of 14 children...and a twin to boot. Yep, my family is a large one.

What a family I am blessed to have. We are all livers of life, singers of songs, lovers of family. I wish for each of you the kind of love and life I have been afforded during my 56 years. It has been a great ride so far and I look forward to many more years of the journey. Bless You All today!
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