This is how Tommy looked at 7 in the morning on his birthday.
I’d like to say that he had a wide grin on his face due to the fact that it was his special day. But no. My kid is a morning person. I know. I don’t get it either. I think, “Did he really come from me? How could I have created a being that enjoys the mornings?”
But he does. And he immediately started prattling on and on about the presents he hoped to get, about the cake he hoped to eat, about sharing a birthday with Dr. Seuss....and okay, I admit it, I hate reading Dr. Seuss books. That must be some parenting sin or something but I find when I read his work, my tongue gets tied and I just want to hurl the thing against the wall. But as far as Tommy knows I love Dr. Seuss and we’ve had lengthy conversations on that crazy cat in the hat.
We came downstairs and Tommy got to open some presents.
Then it occurred to me that I should ask him what he wanted for breakfast seeing as it was his birthday. But I’m half asleep first thing in the morning. So I went, “Do you wanna have a Pop Tart or an Oatmeal Cream Pie since it’s your birthday?”
Normally Oatmeal Cream Pies are dessert, mind you. And Tommy knows this so he was extra excited to be able to have one for breakfast. I mean, it has OATMEAL in it. So it's not totally unhealthy.
I took Tommy to school so I could drop off the cupcakes in his classroom. I’m glad his school allows cupcakes. So many schools are all, “Healthy foods this, and healthy foods that.” And yes, it’s important to get children excited about healthy foods but cupcakes should always be allowed for birthdays.
“Why didn’t you make them yourself?” Tommy asked when he spotted them.
“Um, do you want me to poison the kids in your class?”
“Oh. Right.”
I can cook cupcakes. But....mine never come out pretty. I just slather on icing. Sometimes if I’m feeling extra bold, I add sprinkles. But there are no cute swirls on my cupcakes. No bunny faces smiling back up at you. I don’t do the fancy cupcakes.
That’s what Tommy calls the cupcakes that parents bring into the classroom sometimes.
Fancy cupcakes.
“You don’t do fancy cupcakes do you Mom?” Tommy didn’t say this meanly just knowingly as he got into the back of the car.
I stuck the Wal-Mart cupcakes in the seat beside me. “I don’t. But I could try. If you really wanted me to.” But inside I was thinking for the love of God no, I don’t want to try and make a bird out of frosting.
“No. I like Wal-Mart cupcakes. Some other kids have brought in Wal-Mart cupcakes so it’s okay,” Tommy said grandly.
“Well. Thanks.”
So we drove to school and headed for Tommy’s classroom. He passed one of his teachers in the resource room and she wished him a Happy Birthday.
“You’re welcome,” Tommy said to his feet. Tommy has Aspergers and doesn’t always know how to respond to people. And he has issues with eye contact.
I rubbed the top of his head. “Say thank you,” I said in a way that wouldn’t embarrass him. “Eyes,” I added quietly into his ear so the teacher couldn’t hear. This is my way of reminding him to make eye contact. Tommy says he understands that he needs to do this but that he forgets sometimes.
“Thank you,” Tommy corrected, peeking up at the teacher.
We dropped off the cupcakes and I started talking about how proud I was of him and how I couldn’t believe that he was already eight...
And then I realized the little stinker was gone!
He apparently had slipped out the back door to the playground. I could hear his tiny voice shouting to his girlfriend.
I don’t think he truly understands what a girlfriend means. He just has this friend that happens to be a girl.
I went outside and was all, “Did you forget to say goodbye to your mother?”
Tommy gave me a Look. “Mom.” He was clearly a little embarrassed. I guess my job was to set the cupcakes down and go. But no, this was the anniversary of the day where I lost my figure permanently and dang it, I was going to get a proper goodbye.
“Can I get a goodbye?”
Tommy sighed. “But my girlfriend is waiting.” He pointed to a little girl on the swings.
“Okay. I just need a quick goodbye.”
“Fine. No kiss.” Tommy gave me a warning stare.
I held my hands up. “Fine. A hug?”
Tommy shrugged his shoulders as if to say if you must. And so I did.
“Happy Birthday,” I said into his hair.
“Thanks,” he answered.
I left after that.
When Tommy came home from school, he requested spaghetti as his birthday dinner. Phew. Something I can make well. After that we sang Happy Birthday and had cookie cake.
This is when a bit of drama occured.
After singing the birthday song Tommy geared up to blow out all the candles...
...but Natalie beat him to it. She blew out all but one.
This is Tommy yelling at Natalie for blowing out his candles.
So I re-lit them all. Yum waxy cookie cake.
Everything went smoothly. Tommy shows this by giving a creepy Jack Nicholson grin.
That night as I was tucking Tommy in he told me that it was the best birthday ever.
"You say that every year," I reminded him.
Tommy smiled. "This time I mean it."
He says that every year, too.
But somehow it doesn't matter.
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