Friday, September 6, 2013

When Fashion Shows Go Wrong

I love buying clothes for my kids. Mainly for my daughter, because girl clothes are incredibly adorable. I've done many fashion shows on my blog of her in her new outfits. Most of the time, all I have to do to get her to smile is make farting noises or run into the side of the house. Injuring myself amuses her, you see.

But sometimes, none of that works. shoots go bad...

I was trying to get Natalie to model this super awesome outfit from Gymboree. But she was too busy making strange noises that sounded like, "EEEEEE! EEEEE! EEEE!"

"Look at my tongue!"

Then she decided she was just going to keep her eyes shut for 5 minutes. "My eyes are resting. No cameras right now. Sorry."

I tried running into the side of the house again. Nothing. I made farting noises. Nothing.

In fact, after I made the rude noises with my mouth, she did this:

"That's just not funny to me anymore."

Please. She was being difficult. I refuse to believe I raised kids who are not amused by farts.

She snapped out of her sadness and said, "You can take pictures of me with puffed out cheeks!"

"Natalie, can I PLEASE just get a nice smiling picture of you?"

"Just ONE smiling picture?"

"You can pretend this is me. Here."


"Okay! Here!"

"Thanks for the duckface, Natalie."

"What's that mean?"

"I'll explain it to you when you get on Facebook. It's something that women do. Some believe they look good but in reality, everyone who sees the picture is secretly going, "Duckface." Now can I please have a smile?"

"Natalie Elizabeth! Please! Just one!"

"I'm a confused kangaroo right now! Sorry!"

I was about to give up. But then I suddenly shouted, "WE WERE ON A BREAKKKKKKK!"

"I love Ross!"

Apparently quoting Friends was getting her to quit the odd poses.

"Joey is funny too, Mommy. How you doin'?"

(Yes she watches Friends. What? It's a good show.)

And it got her to semi-cooperate:

So note to self: if farting noises and running into the house doesn't work, quote Friends.

"I want to salute for my Daddy because I miss him and I want him home again."

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