Friday, September 13, 2013

Things That Make Me Go "Huh?"

The world can be a strange place. As I read and go about my day, I sometimes come across things that make me go "huh?" Here are a few of those things.

(And sorry some pictures are sideways. I corrected them but when I uploaded them here, they went back to being sideways. Another thing that makes me go "huh?")

I so hate how magazines use these ridiculous words. Just say crazy. Please.

It distracts me when people want to have a conversation and their sunglasses are perched on their foreheads. Either stick them up on your head or remove them. Otherwise I always want to say, "Do you have another set of eyes on your forehead or what?"

I will be the first to admit that I don't get fashion. I mainly live in jeans and a t-shirt. But. How are these pants okay? They're hideous. I know some fashion experts will argue that printed leggings are in style. I disagree. They frighten me.

I know the word selfie was added to the dictionary. I'm embarrassed for America. Anyway. I hate it. And why would anyone need to know HOW to take a selfie? Isn't it just a picture of yourself?

My daughter has recently gotten really interested in My Little Pony. We were searching to see all the pony toys they had out and we came across this poor one. What in the....???? Apparently its name is Derpy. And yes, now I want it. I'd set it on my computer desk and laugh and laugh.

I've posted this picture many times in my blog. It still makes me go "huh" whenever I see it. But seriously, what is up with Kirk's chest?

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