Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Little Mermaid Blu-Ray+DVD Combo Pack Giveaway! ***CLOSED

**CLOSED! Winner posted here**

My daughter loves The Little Mermaid.

In fact, she dressed up like Ariel for Halloween one year:

(We pretended her hair was red.)

Anyway, I was excited to hear that they are re-releasing The Little Mermaid on October 1st!

You can learn more about The Little Mermaid here. You can watch clips, play games, and discover activities.

I remember loving The Little Mermaid as a child. I wished I could sing like Ariel. As it is, I'm tone deaf and would make people wince whenever I started to bellow Part Of Your World. I'm sure everyone loved the story of Ariel turning into a human so she could meet Prince Eric. But oh no! In order to do that, she had to give her beautiful voice to the evil Ursula (who frightened me as a child.) Will everything turn out in the end?

A lucky reader will win The Little Mermaid Diamond Edition 2 Disc Blu-Ray+DVD Combo Pack with Digital Copy.

Giveaway Rules:

--Must be 18 or older

--Must live in the US or Canada

--NO PO Boxes

Mandatory Entry: Tell me what your favorite part of The Little Mermaid is. If you've never seen it, go to the website I mention and watch a clip. Tell me what you liked about the clip.

I will run the contest until September 29th.

Good luck!!

**I was given a copy of The Little Mermaid for writing this post. My opinions are my own**

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