Thursday, September 19, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Loud Musical Viewers

As I mentioned on Monday, I got to see Wicked.

I loved the show.

But I did not love the people who were eating and drinking during it.

I also did not care for the family who came to the show 20 minutes late. Of course they were in our row so we had to move and adjust ourselves so they could get by.

Look, I know things happen. But come on, if you're going to see a musical, have some respect and make an effort to get there on time. It's distracting when latecomers walk in.

The drinking part wasn't so bad.

But the food was.

There were actually signs saying NOT to eat in the theater. You could purchase food in the lobby and eat it there but people were sneaking the snacks in. The woman in front of us bought candy because I kept hearing the crinkle of the plastic as she reached in for me.

It's not a movie, people. It's a musical. Eating during a musical is not appropriate. Especially if you have a noisy food package.

So the next time you see a musical, ensure you arrive on time.

And for heavens sake, follow the rules and don't eat during it.

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