On Fridays a bunch of brave writers gather here to all spend 5 collective minutes writing on a single prompt. I love this brief five minutes to clear my head, get rid of the stress, and open my heart and just write.....Here’s how it all got started, back story, details and all. The short version is:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word. (On your blog or in the comments).
2. Link back here and invite others to join in {you can grab the button code in my blog footer}.
3. Go leave some comment props for the five minute artist who linked up before you.It’s a great way to catch your breath at the end of a long week.And this week, one of my hand’s down favorite writers who can make five minutes sing, you guys, SING, is guest posting for me. I’m thrilled to have Alia sharing five minutes today on something that is super close to both our hearts.If you want to know what we’re talking about, you’ll need to read the amazing back story here about Mercy House Kenya.‘Cause women can change the world right from the diaper aisle. –> click to tweet this one!
The Webster definition for the word mercy is this: kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly : kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad or desperate situation. Oh yeah that is so me!....or at least the me I want to be.
Psalm 57:1 says: "Have mercy on me, God; have mercy on me because I have taken refuge in you. I take refuge in the shadow of your wings until destruction passes by." I cannot tell you how many times I have uttered these words. When I as young I made several destructive decisions and ended up in situation where I needed mercy. My Highway 22 prayers have been cries for mercy more than once. I am one of the blessed ones...god has shown me mercy many times over. The problem is....as much as I have received mercy....have I given it. When things started going south with my ex-husband mercy was not something that came from my lips easily. I was hurt and wanted to hurt back. People I had loved, shared meals with, kept their children, etc....all of a sudden shunned me. I received no mercy or compassion from them. I was the enemy. I was devastated. I made a vow...to give as I got. Wow....was I wrong....and ashamed of my vow when I finally realized....God gave me so much mercy....and I was giving nothing back in return. I found myself forgiving them all in my heart. Some actually became my friends again...others...oh well...thus is life. I have learned to be more merciful with people through my life experiences. I may not be the Mercy Queen....but I am striving to be. When I utter the phrase..."Lord, have mercy on me!" I am dead serious. I want to be treated kindly....and forgiven....when I should be treated terribly. When we sing the hymn, "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me...." I sing loud. I want to be more Christlike....and practice mercy every day of my life.
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