Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hodge Podge Kicking Off Fall

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! Add your link at the end of Joyce's post by clicking here  and then be a good neighbor and go say hi to the bloggers linking around you. Here are my answers for the week-

1. What's one thing that's still the same about you as when you were young?
I am terrified of high bridges over water.  I saw an accident once involving a draw bridge and water and have feared them ever since.  I used to dream about being on a bridge and when it peaked there being nothing there.  The Coronodo Bay Bridge in San Diego almost did me in.  I drove over it singing like a mad woman.

2. What's more important-history or science? Why?
I have to agree with Joyce.  History tells us where we have been and what not to do again.  Science is important too because it is where the cures for diseases comes from. 

3. Lima, kidney, string, garbanzo, black, or pinto-your favorite bean?
I like kidney, chili, black, green and pinto beans to the point that with some cornbread or a hush puppie, and a slice of onion I have a happy meal.  I detest lima beans and butter beans.  I think they are nasty. 

4. What's something people come to your town to do?
Oh come on.  I live in Rock Mills, AL.  The population is less than 1,000.  People come to my town to visit family members and once a year attend the big....and I mean it is big....Pottery Festival.  Every first and third Saturday they may come to set up or browse through Wehadkee Trade Days at the old mill.

5. When was the last time you were in a meeting? Sum it up for us in five words or less.
Board meeting on the fourth Sunday at my church(last week).  Discussed events and money issues.

6. What special event would you like a VIP pass to attend?
I would love to see the Eagles, The Olympics, The Special Olympics, APresidential Ball.

7. What's one piece of advice you'd give a writer?
Keep a notebook with you at all time and jot down your "aha" moments. You never know when they will be a springboard into a great story.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Have you ever visited The Wall in Washington D.C.?  I have been there several times and each time I feel a different emotion cursing through me.  I wear an MIA bracelet for a soldier who is listed on the wall and the first time I touched his name it was electrifying.  I have visited it at night and in the day time.  Each time I leave with tears in my eyes.  All of the monuments for our veterans leave me feeling this way....but for some reason....the Korean and Vietnam Walls take my breath away.  Have you ever been?  If you ever have the chance to visit them you should....and don't forget to see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Everyone should visit D.C. once in their lives.  Have a blessed day!

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