Thursday, September 12, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Baby Weight "Melting Off"

You know, I’d be more impressed if Jenny from Kentucky lost her baby weight in one month.

But it bugs me when celebrities are put on a magazine cover with the same headline. Why?

Because they aren’t regular people.

They’re rich. Therefore they can afford the following:

--a nanny

--a personal chef

--a trainer

--a plastic surgeon (you know some totally had a tummy tuck)


Okay, I’m semi-kidding on the last one. But really, they can pay someone to make them low calorie meals that taste delicious. They can hand their kids off to the help so they can go to the gym for hours. Or they’ll be paid millions by a weight loss company. I would work my butt off if Weight Watchers was all, “Hey Amber? Lose the baby weight in a month and we’ll give you 5 million.” You GOT it, Weight Watchers!

The latest in the annoying craze is Kate Middleton. Apparently her baby weight just “melted off.” Whatever.

And then you have the celebrities who are all, “I breastfeed!”

I breastfed too. The weight didn’t just drop off of me.

I like the ones who are honest and admit to a personal chef/trainer and nanny. Some do. But most just sit there with their flat stomachs and go, “I breastfeed! I eat lots of kale!’

So again. Show me headlines about regular Jenny from Kentucky having her baby weight “melt off” and I will be impressed.


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