Friday, September 20, 2013

Oklahoma State Fair Fun (Even With Rain!)

Does this freak anyone else out?

They were scattered all around the kiddie area at the Oklahoma State Fair. Yikes.

My Mom took Tommy to his fast rides--rides that Natalie isn't quite tall enough to go on--while I took Natalie into the kiddie section and proceeded to get freaked out by all the clown trashcans. I backed up into one and actually yelped.

Anyway, Natalie got to go on many rides:

Notice the dark clouds? After this picture an announcement came on that lightening was present nearby and that they had to shut the rides down. Everyone at the fair had to take cover.

"But I wasn't done!" Natalie informed me as we went to take shelter.

"I know. We have to wait for the storm to pass!"

We met up with my mom and Tommy and waited it out in the auto show building. When we came out, there was water everywhere. Some game stands had actually been blown over.

When rides opened again, Tommy thought he wanted to go on the Drop Zone ride. But when he got on, he began to panic that he'd fall out.

I wanted to shout, "It's okay, son, we're not at Six Flags!"

He decided NOT to ride and exited pretty quickly.

Mom led him off for more rides and I took Natalie back into Scary Clown Land.

We ended up having fun despite all the rain.

And what did we all eat?

For dinner, I had fried green tomatoes. And yes, I've seen the movie. I love it. Towanda! Natalie had a corn dog and Tommy had a hamburger, because odd fair foods freak him out. My Mom had fried artichoke hearts with a wine sauce.

For dessert I wanted to find the fried butter stand. I was intrigued. I mean...fried butter! I had to try it. So we walked around for awhile and found it!

I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't know what to expect. I thought I'd bite into a fried stick of Land O Lakes but no. Inside with a cinnamon sugar mixture. It reminded me of the Texas Roadhouse cinnamon butter. Fried. YUM! So try the fried butter! Do not be afraid!

The Oklahoma State Fair runs until September 22nd so if you are around the area, stop by! Or if you live in another state, check out your fair.

Try the fried butter!

(And yes, I've tried other fried foods before. I've tried fried twinkies and fried oreos. They are also delicious!)

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