I have a few special folks I am asking special prayers for this week. My weekend was filled with sadness, anxiousness, and prayer, so I thought I would ask if you guys would help me out.
Maghen is a precious little young momma of 1 year old Jett and momma to be of twins Kruz and Kason. On Saturday(Jett's first birthday) they had to airlift her to UAB Hospital because they feared her water had broken, there was only one heartbeat and she was in active labor. She will be at UAB until the twins are born. The doctors say if they can just make it to 26 weeks there is a good chance of survival. Please pray for 26 weeks...or Thanksgiving (30 weeks). The longer they stay the better it will be. Pray for daddy Keaton too. He works in South Carolina and I know being there while she is here is killing him. I am asking that you pray for God to wrap His arms around this little precious family and just keep them safe.

My second major request is for the family of Stan Harris. His wife, Rebecca found him dead on Thursday when she came home from work. He has four children and four grandchildren and his presence will be sorely missed. Please pray for this family as they try and go on without him.
My third one is Mrs. Jean Hall. She is the most precious lady I know. She has pneumonia and is feeling terrible. She doesn't feel like eating, drinking, going....she just has no strength or energy. Will you please pray that her health begins to return.
Pray for both of our churches, pray for our country and government. Pray for those in harms way. Pray God's will be done. Thanks for helping me out. I appreciate the added strength. God Bless You All.
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