Sunday, February 10, 2013

Project 365 - Week 6

It is that time of the week again.  I would love for you all to join in and hop over to Fran's blog and link up after you post all your pictures.  It is a lot of fun.  It is even more fun to see what everyone did during the week. 
Sunday, February 3rd
The King family in church in mass goofing off with Frank.  Taylor and Gregory Wayne were home on leave.  It was great having the guys home for a bit.  Gregory Wayne is stationed in Hawaii and Taylor is in Norfolk where his sister Shelby and her Navy husband Spivey are also stationed. 
Monday, February 6th
Sickness in the Korb house.  Frank is not popular with anyone since he has the novovirus...and neither am I since I have been around him.  Sigh!  I forgot to get a shot in today.  My first missed day in three years.
Tuesday, February 5th

Sad day for the HHR.  I hit a spike just outside of Daviston at 6:23 in the morning.  Three hours later I was on the road in a rental.  It was a long day and my back was so tense.  I went home, took a muscle relaxer and died for most of the day.  Hopefully my car will be ready on Friday.  (Crossing fingers tightly).
Wednesday, February 8th
My second missed day.  I was still sore and shaken from the big deer hunt.  Everyone is calling me the Deer Slayer...and that ain't right....he ran off....I did not Kill him....he Killed my car!  I started to work this morning and just past Clark Brothers meat there were three deer waiting on me.  They ran off to scare me another day....and it was so foggy....I never got above 50 mph all the way to work.   I know the people behind me were not thrilled.  I, on the other hand, will never talk bad to slow drivers ahead of me again....they may have just hit a deer too!
Thursday, February 7th
Frank and Taylor got my new Amish bookshelves in place and ready for us to put the books in on Saturday.  They look magnificent and this picture does not even do them justice.
Friday, February 8th

Students attempt cascarrones for bonus points.  They really get a kick out of making them and I love to see just what they creatively come up with.
Saturday, February 9th
A quick peek at the sun rising in my back yard.  Those gray clouds looming say....more rain coming.  I think since January 1st we have not had a weeks worth of sun.  It is no wonder that more people are depressed during the Winter.  Griefus.  It is supposed to rain on us til at least Wednesday and there is a Flash Flood Warning that has been issued until Tuesday.  Great!  Don't forget to hop over to Fran's and check out what everyone else shot.  Have a great week....stay dry....and safe!

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