Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To love that Gary Busey is going to be on Celebrity Apprentice All Stars. He cracks me up.

To be looking forward to the Celebrity Wife Swap that airs February 26th. Kate Gosselin and Kendra Wilkinson (former Hugh Hefner girlfriend) switch places. And mind you, Kate has all those kids and Kendra has one..should be entertaining..

To have had our tax refund for a brief time before it all went to pay off our Disney trip and bills.

To be getting professional family photos done this weekend. I hope I don’t look scary. I do not always photograph well.

To feel like I’m sometimes going into a whole different world whenever we go to WalMart.

To have cleared out a lot of toys from Tommy’s room. He’s nearly 11 so he’s at the stage in his life where toys are starting to go away.

To wonder if anyone else smells the cat feces in the box because I always seem to be the one changing it.

To think it’s ridiculous that people from the Carnival Cruise that was stranded are suing Carnival. Even though the passengers have even said the workers were doing everything they could, Carnival offered refunds PLUS paid for everyone to get home…what else were they supposed to do?

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