Five Minute Friday: Beloved
On Fridays around these parts(blogger world) we like to write. Not for comments or traffic or anyone else’s agenda. But for pure love of the written word. For joy at the sound of syllables, sentences and paragraphs all strung together by the voice of the speaker.We love to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. For five minutes flat.Here’s how we do it:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing.2. Link back here and invite others to join in.3. Go and tell the person who linked up before you what their words meant to you. Every writer longs to feel heard.OK, are you ready? Give your best five minutes for the prompt:Beloved…
Solomon 6:3a begins my thoughts on this topic since I read it just yesterday for Valentine's Day. “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine...
When I was a child my grandmother had a book of poetry that I loved to read. One of the poems was (loosely quoted because I am much older), "This man and this heart breathes a sigh. This man and this woman....are now you and I. Throughout each ...This man is my darling....this woman am I". I don't know who wrote it....but it has always stuck in my mind and as a child I longed for the day when I felt that way about another person. On January 17th, 1976 I married for the first time and with that marriage came two small children. They had me from hello. Each of them had a precious nature about them and I longed to be the very best mother I could be. There was nothing like being hugged hard, or having a grubby little hand give you a bouquet of flowers (you had worked so hard to grow), the numerous poems written in Sunday School and class for Valentines Day or Mother's Day....oh yes....they were my little munchkin beloved ones. Then on June 23rd, 1980 I was blessed with another beloved one. As Dr. Stimson laid the red haired wonder in my arms I knew belovedness like I had never known possible. When this tiny miracle wrapped her tiny hand around my finger she wrapped it also around my heart and the hearts of her brother and sister. I felt beloved and she was beloved. There is nothing like the pride you have in your children. There is nothing like the feeling of them wrapping their arms around you and telling you that they love you....and allowing you to tell them that you love me......but back to the little haunted me forever.....I kept hearing it. I tried to find it again as an adult...but couldn't. Did I imagine it? I don't think so....yet, it eluded me. That is until January 26th, 2003 when I married that very man from the poem. As we stood before our church family, family, and friends and Rev. Bassham spoke those marriage vows to us....I heard the poem in my head....and I knew '....This man and this woman.....are now you and I ' and I smiled. I truly am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.
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