Friday, February 22, 2013

Five Minute Friday - What Momma Did That Made Her Mine

Five Minute Friday is a bit different this week.  It is still five minutes of uninterrupted writing but the topic has a history.  You see this week four friends have shared unique memories of their mothers with the readers of Lisa-Jo's blog. Today’s our turn. What did your mama do that makes her your mama? Let’s unpack those memories today. Let’s trace our fingers along the lines of the unexpected. The ordinary beauty in a day of motherhood. The food or the laughing or the dancing or the story telling.  Where is your memory buried?
(Caught dancing in the front yard to Sentimental Journey)
In just five minutes. Tell us all about what your mama did that made her yours….{and don’t forget to spend some time commenting on the post of the person who linked up just before you}

My momma loved to dance.  When she was young she actually danced in USO shows for troops.  She danced at parties, reunions, home, with my dad, with friends, she even danced in the nursing home after she went to live there. The nurses loved it when she would hear music and grab one of them and whirl them around the halls of Adams Nursing Home.  She danced.  My children all learned to dance the Boogie Woogie, Swing, you know the dances of the WWII era.  She was an amazing dancer.  I have video of her dancing in her black taffeta dress with red dots...and still have the dress.  I loved to hear the sound of  the taffeta brushing against the slip part.  I loved it when she would grab my hands and sing and dance with is one of my fondest memories of my mom. I danced with my children when they were babies.  If one of them was feverish or fretting I would hold them close and sway with them to a song I would sing softly.  It worked like a charm.  I did not inherit my mom's dancing abilities but I did inherit her singing ability.  I came from a family of singers and that is another of my favorite memories.  I loved to hear my mom sing to me....and to my children.  Irish Lullaby, Sweetest Little Rosebud, Amazing Grace were all songs my mom would sing me to sleep with.  I loved the lilt of her voice as she sang Irish Lullaby.  Kat loved them too and Sweetest Little Rosebud was HER special song.  I have a tape of my mom, my aunt Shirley, cousin Amanda and I singing at my mom's church.  The song was He Looked Beyond My Fault and Saw My Need.  There are times in the song when you cannot tell who is singing.  Amanda's sister Missy made us a copy for Christmas one year.  I cry every time I hear it.  We were a family from a long line of music.  When we got together the guitars would come out, the voices would warm up....and my mom would be right in the middle of this.....singing and dancing.  My mom died April 11th, 2011.  She was buried on my dad's birthday.  Through my tears as we gathered to celebrate her life.....with music of course....I almost laughed out loud because I could see her, my aunt Shirley and my dad....looking down....singing along....smiling with delight and dancing.

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