Saturday, February 2, 2013

Threads of Grace

About The Book:  Grace's autistic son needs a life that is safe and consistent. Seth wants to leave his flirting days behind him and settle down.  Deep in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania, the beautiful and weary Amish widow, Grace Beiler, is not looking for a husband—especially one so much younger than her. But handsome and smitten Seth Wyse stumbles upon a way to help her and they marry to keep Grace’s autistic son safe from his ill-intentioned uncle.  Grace soon discovers that she is far from immune to her young husband’s experienced charm and realizes that her first marriage has not destroyed her capacity for love.  Seth Wyse seeks counsel from his older brother, Jacob, when playing the game of pursuing his wife becomes more dangerous to both his heart and life than he ever imagined.  Yet God can give Grace and Seth a passion for family and each other that teaches them the ways of the Master Quilter through the tangled and tender threads of their lives.

About The Author:  Kelly Long is the author of the Patch of Heaven series and the historical Amish Novel Arms of Love.  She was born and raised in the mountains of Pennsylvania.  She's been married for twenty-six years and enjoys life with her husband, children, and Bichon.

My Thoughts On The Book:   This book veered a bit from the traditional Amish novel.  It is the third in the Patch of Heaven series.  In the beginning of the novel we find young Grace forced to marry an older wealthy Amish man to save her family and their farm. Silas was cruel and forbid Grace from having any contact with her family or friends.  Upon Silas' death she suddenly finds herself free...sort of.   In an act of total desparation she runs with her autistic son, Abel.  The two find themselves in the small community of Pine Creek. Skittish as a horse Grace and Abel begin establishing a new life when her brother-in-law appears.  He claims that he has some legal rights to her if she does not marry within 6 months of her husband’s death.  Seth Wyse, a younger, single Amish man is crazy about Grace and when he hears of her plight offers to marry her. In a hasty Amish ceremony, they are married.  The story really begins here as they seek grace within themselves and with each other.  I have not read the other two books but this book was easy to understand.  Long is a master at character development and has great attention for detail.  I would definitely suggest reading this.  It will make you laugh and break your heart within a few pages. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishing Booksneeze Program for bloggers. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

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