Thursday, February 28, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Weather Games

“The snow is coming folks! We could get up to four inches!”

“It already started to fall up north. It’s coming, folks!”

“You see this blue mass? That’s the snow and it’ll be here very soon, folks!”

Ugh. The local news was taking over all the channels to report on the snow. Snow in Oklahoma is a Big Deal. It amuses me because I came from Wyoming where snow was Not A Big Deal.

“Don’t travel to Kansas, folks!” the newscaster continued. For the EIGHTH time. They were taking over all the channels and were saying THE SAME THING over and over.

First of all, no, I won’t travel to Kansas.

Second of all, WHERE was the flipping snow?!

Third of all, WHEN would they shut up and put Dr. Phil on? I understand they want to keep people informed, but if they say the same things over and over, there’s no point. Break in during commercials. I put Dr. Phil on when I clean. It’s amusing to hear people argue over ridiculous things and then Dr. Phil pops in and is all, “I wrote a book…” Dude, that’s great. But get on with the problem.

Anyway, all it did was rain. And rain. And rain. No snow. The military base even shut down at 2 because snow continued to be reported.

“It’ll be here soon!”

The kids kept peeking out the window hoping to spot the first flakes. They finally came in the evening but were brief.

“Was that the storm?” I asked Tom.


It turns out that no, it wasn’t the storm.

More snow came overnight.

The kids were hoping for a snow day.


All we got was a dusting.

The roads were clear.

What happened to all the snow?

Well, apparently it bypassed us. All that jabbering on from the local news was a waste. I missed Dr. Phil for nothing. It’s 2013, if I wanted to check on the weather, there IS an app for that. Don’t take over morning programs.

So yeah. Oklahoma is a bit of a finicky state.

And an overdramatic one.

“Up to 4 inches of snow!”

“Oops. Make that less than an inch.”

Can we just have Spring please?

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