Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Beach Trip

"Tom, watch Tommy. WATCH TOMMY!" I screamed from the shore.

Tommy was with Tom, out in the distance, and the waves looked awfully scary to me from where I stood. Tom, who I know has a habit of zoning out, was standing quite a length apart from Tommy, who was happily splashing in the waves.

"WATCH TOMMY!" I cupped my hands around my mouth and a few beachgoers stared at me probably thinking I was some overprotective mother. And I'm really not. I'm pretty lax but I've read about kids being swept out to sea.

"Mommy, bye," Natalie said and started running out towards her Daddy and brother.

"STOP!" I bellowed, rushing behind her. I almost fell flat on my face.

Natalie did fall flat on her face and I watched in horror as waves crashed on top of her.

"Oh my GOD!" I screeched and ran at lightening speed towards her. I lifted her up and she coughed and spluttered.

"The ocean was mean," Natalie said matter-of-factly, but she wasn't crying.

With Natalie on my hip, I checked on Tom. He was still not close enough to Tommy.


I suppose I could have walked out there but I was worried a wave would crash into us and I'd let go of Natalie.

I waved my free arm around, trying to get Tom's attention.

"MEGAN FOX!" I tried. Usually shouting the name always gets his attention. "Miranda Kerr!"


I thought I saw Tommy go under. Oh no! What would I do? Would my instinct cause me to set Natalie down so I could save Tommy? Or would I just stand there helplessly watching my first born bob around the ocean?

Oh my God.

As though Tom could hear the panic going through my mind, Tom turned around and faced me.

"STAND BY TOMMY!" I screamed.

Tom listened and moved closer to his son, who was okay. "I was pretty close already!" Tom shouted back.

So yeah.

The beach is fun.

But stressful with kids.

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