Monday, July 26, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

**Posting this early because who knows when Tom will share his laptop again**

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.

Hey, It's Okay....

To still not like seafood even though everyone around you keeps insisting that you'll suddenly like it. Tried shrimp again while at the beach and guess what? Still don't like it.

To wonder why people put on full faces of makeup while on the beach. Isn't it going to either A) wash off or B) melt off?

To have wanted to slip my cousin's child, who wasn't allowed to have a s'more, a piece of it. Everyone should be allowed to have a s'more.

To have watched Despicable Me and was the only adult who laughed at the fart humor.

To not mind going to Hooters. Sure I wish I had bigger boobs but eh, if the food is good, I go.

To be amused that Tom is excited about the new Starcraft game coming out. I was all, "Now you know how I feel when a new book comes out!" (I cannot wait for the new Shopaholic book.)

To have been trying to understand how to use the other features of my Nikon camera. It can't stay on Auto forever. My cousin is trying to teach me and was saying something about putting it on manual and to set it to 0 and go from there.

To miss my bed. We return home on Thursday.

To not have been able to watch any Big Brother while here. Is that annoying Rachel still there?

To have eaten 3 Krispy Kremes for breakfast. Hey, there aren't any stores around where I live.

To hope that the house doesn't stink. My mother-in-law is meeting us at the airport when we fly in so she can say goodbye to Tom before he leaves for Korea. I wonder if I can run in and go nuts with the air freshener before she enters?

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