Monday, July 19, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

**I made it to Texas safely and am at my parent's house. We don't leave for the beach until Wednesday so I still have Internet access!**

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.

Hey, It's Okay....

To always sit behind the one person on the airplane that wants to recline their seat to the point where their head is practically resting in your lap. It's like, "Hello, my name is Amber, and you are???"

To think that 90 degrees is a nice cool day in Texas after battling triple digit temperatures (this happened last year.....thought I would melt in front of the Alamo.)

To think that the Rachel chick on Big Brother is annoying. What's up with that laugh? She'd have made a fabulous Girl Next Door.

To hope that your husband doesn't accidentally clobber you with his man arm since you share only a full sized bed with him while in Texas.

To have been slightly mortified when your daughter peed on your parent's deck less than an hour after arriving. (I'm trying to keep the fact that my kids like to act like animals at home a secret from my folks....not going well...)

To think Lindsay Lohan needs to go to jail to help wake her up. Otherwise she's probably going to either A) overdose or B) totally lose her mind and stroll around Sunset Bldv in her panties, shouting things like, "I like cheese!" and "Tom Hanks made me do it!"

To love the movie Independence Day. I probably even already wrote this on a past Hey, It's Okay Tuesday but oh well. It's a fabulous movie.

To wonder why the Women's bathroom in the airport smelled like poo. Aren't we supposed to smell like roses? Why does it reek in there? I felt like I was walking into a man bathroom (no offense.) Who are these women who dare to poop in public?

To hope that your DVR is doing what it should be doing and is recording episodes of Big Brother , Army Wives, and Hell's Kitchen. Sometimes the thing acts bitchy and doesn't record what it ought to. One time I was trying to record Grey's Anatomy and it recorded Supernanny instead. It was almost like my DVR was saying, "Lady, you could use some parenting advice over watching a angsty doctor show."

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