Monday, July 12, 2010

Fried Green Tomatoes

The truth is, I’ve always wanted to try fried green tomatoes ever since I saw them depicted in the movie by the same name. I figured my best bet was to try them while in North Carolina because I heard a rumor that they like to fry everything in those parts.

I wasn’t sure if I’d get a chance though.

After I got off the plane that took me to North Carolina, I wasn’t sure what the plans were. I just knew that Tom would be waiting with the kids and my mother-in-law. My backpack was digging into my shoulders so I couldn’t move as quickly as I usually did. I called Tom to let him know that I landed and that I’d make my way out to baggage claim eventually.

“Okay,” was all Tom said. Even though we hadn’t seen each other in two days he didn’t seem very moved to hear from me. But that’s Tom. He’s never been full of emotion.

I stepped on an escalator that would take me to baggage claim and that’s when I saw them.

“Mommy!” Natalie yelped and slid from her seat. She ran over to me, arms outstretched. I bent down to pick her up and the movement made my backpack yank me back so I sort of flailed in place while my daughter grasped hold of my arm. “Mommy!” she said again. My heart swelled. I had missed her. And I was pleased to see that she was well coordinated in her outfit. Tom had paid attention when I had told him what to dress her in.

I gave my mother-in-law a hug—I’m lucky and get along with my mother-in-law. I hear horror stories about mother-in-laws being, well, bitchy, and I’m grateful that I don’t have one of those. Then I gave Tommy a hug, who had reluctantly stood up from his chair. He didn’t seem overly thrilled to see me. Of course his father didn’t either. I expected him to take me in his arms but no, he just plucked the backpack off my back and started leading the way to the car.

Okay then. Nice to see you again, too. But really, taking my backpack is a sign that he loves me. He could see it was weighing me down and he wordlessly took it.

“Mommy, are you back?” Natalie asked as she plopped down in her stroller. Yes, at three she still sits in an umbrella stroller for our sanity. She can walk, of course, but she trails behind and takes one step, pauses, takes another, pauses. So the stroller is a necessity so we don’t lose our patience.

“I’m back,” I confirmed, ruffling Tommy’s hair.

“I got a weather book,” Tommy offered. “Grandma bought it for me and I’m learning about tornadoes and hurricanes.” Tommy’s latest obsession is about weather.

We settled into the car—I was in the middle between the kids, but thankfully my ass hasn’t expanded too much so I was able to sit comfortably. Tommy showed me his book and Natalie showed me her book—a creepy Yo Gabba Gabba one, naturally. I noticed up front that Tom and his Mom were passing back and a forth a map. I tried to crane my neck to see where it led to but I couldn’t.

Off we drove to the unknown place and then we finally parked in front of a building that looked as though it had seen better days.

“Is this it?” Tom asked, checking the map. He can find anything whereas I get myself lost in a daily basis.

“It should be,” Tom’s Mom confirmed. She frowned at the building.

It did look run down. But when I took in the sign, I knew where Tom had taken me. The Pit a restaurant that had been featured on that Man VS Food show. I remembered telling Tom that I wanted to go there since I saw that they had fried green tomatoes.

And Tom had taken me there.

The place doesn’t look like much on the outside but as soon as we stepped inside, our opinions changed. It was spacious and clean and the smell wafting from the kitchen made my mouth water.

We were shown to a table and handed a menu. My eyes zeroed in on the fried green tomatoes immediately. I placed an order for them and when they came out, I immediately took one and had a bite.....

....they weren’t the best thing I’ve ever tasted before. But a few people have told me that fried green tomatoes are best homemade.

Still, I ate two of them, and offered one to everyone else.

Tom passed, naturally.

But Tommy liked them.


.....did not.

“I don’t yike dis this thing, Mommy,” she informed me seriously.

For my main dish I ordered the brisket. I love brisket.

I was amused when my food came with two hushpuppies.

“Now we know we’re in the south,” Tom’s Mom said, winking.

So true. And the hushpuppies rocked.

I love Southern food and would eat it all the time if my thighs would let me.

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