Sunday, July 18, 2010

Leaving. Again.

I’m an only child.

And my Dad stayed at home with me while my Mom worked.

Back then (ugh, I feel old when I say that) not many fathers stayed at home. I remember I’d be at school and people would find it odd to know that my Dad was at home with me. I remember thinking it was odd that a mother was home. I just always thought that Dads being home was how it was.

I get to see my parents tomorrow. Mom retired as a Colonel in Texas and they live in a nice home with a backyard that reminds me of a Disney movie. I say this because they’ve trained squirrels to take a peanut from their hands. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Mom also love plants (ironic, since I don’t) and they grow all over the place in her yard.

We’re staying there because we always go to the nearby beach for a mini family reunion. It’s also a way for Tom to say goodbye before he goes.

Have good thoughts that our plane makes it to Texas safely.

And that the kids sleep during the flight so I can read my latest Jennifer Weiner book.

If I don't always get to update my blog, I do update my Facebook. I'm there under Rumor has it that the place we're staying at while at the beach has no Wifi.

Cue scary music.

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