Back to when we were in North Carolina.
While we were there we went to a museum full of tanks, guns, airplanes, etc.....basically a man’s dream.
This was in a pretend airplane and Natalie is clearly thinking, “Where the eff am I?” And yes, those would be my nieces.
Tom took tons of pictures of all the weapons. I’ll spare you and just post this one.
He was practically salivating against the glass and muttered something like, “I miss my weapon.” Since he’s been on leave he hasn’t been able to carry a gun around like he did at work.
Now it’s Tommy’s turn to be like, “Where the eff am I?”
This is some airplane jeep thing. Tom took multiple photos of it. I think the thing was turning him on or something.
Tom is smiling so he’s definitely loving the museum.
Natalie is pissed because she wanted to go in the helicopter. She didn’t understand the words “display” and “go to jail if you messed with it.”
Tommy hanging out with his cousin.
After the museum we went back to Tom’s sister’s house to celebrate my niece’s birthday. She was turning 8.
There was a Spongebob piñata and Natalie took the stick and charged at it. Ahh yes, she’s my little jouster.
Anyhow, her Aunt had to explain that no, we aren’t meant to spear Spongebob but smack the crap out of him.
The older kids understood:
With the tweens, Tom would lift Spongebob up as they swung. He found this hilarious when they’d swing and hit the air.
When Spongebob was eventually smacked open, it freaked Natalie out. She had no problems smacking the thing but when she saw him all torn up with candy spilling from him, she was concerned.
“What happened to Spongebob?” she kept asking. “Will he be okay?”
I shielded her eyes as the tween girls took the stick and continued to smash the crap out of the thing.
“He’ll be great,” I lied and distracted her with some of the candy. I don’t think we’ll be getting a piñata at her party.
Then it came time to open presents and let me tell you, I had no idea what to get an eight-year-old girl. Eight-year-old boys I know. Girls? Not so much. My girl is still into Barbies and creepy Yo Gabba Gabba. I guessed when I bought her gift. And...
....I guessed right because she had been wanting an iDog. Score one for the Aunt!
Also, Andrea of Las Vegas Mama asked me to guest blog here.
I'm sort of jealous that she lives in Las Vegas. Although I've never actually been. But from the stories I hear, it's a ball of fun.
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