Monday, July 5, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!!

**We return home tomorrow! Then I'll be able to catch up on blog notes. I swear, I haven't been ignoring anyone!*

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.

Hey, It's Okay....

To hate when a sea shell digs into the bottom of your foot while you are hanging out in the ocean.

To have tried Bojangles chicken for the first time and liked it (it was spicy! I guess Bojangles is a Southern thing.)

To hate going through the airport security. Sorry dude behind me, I'm moving as fast as I can. Stop creeping up to my ass and clearing your throat. I get it. I have two kids I also have to help. I'll move when I can.

To hate how your husband just breezes through security and looks surprised when you're not right behind him. Our offspring, dear. Did you forget about our offspring?

To still like getting those giant pixie sticks that they sell at amusement parks.

To love visiting family but also love getting back to your own home. And stuff. And bed.

To hope to go to Jamestown, Virginia someday. I love history.

To love Sharon Osbourne even though she probably won't end up liking you back. (She'd probably think I was a flitty thing with a potato shaped face.)

To still have hope that an agent will want to sign me even though so many have said thanks, but no thanks. Anyone BFFs with an agent or started a new agency? I'd be the easier author ever. I'm totally not picky and am told that I have impecible manners.

To have to sleep with a fan going on in the background since absolute silence is freaky. We sleep in absolute silent at the hotel, minus the small blast of air conditioner that pops on for like five minutes before clicking back off again. Tom says he prefers the quiet and would love to turn off the fan that I keep on at home. I said no way, as I need some noise to filter out his snoring. He says if he can deal with listening to me fart all night (which I totally DON'T) then I can deal with his snoring. Newsflash Tom: I can't.

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