Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Memories Can Be Amazing

Most of you have no clue who Tennessee Ernie Ford is....but I do. He was one of my dad's favorite singers and therefore I loved him too. I remember hearing his voice come drifting across the radio my dad loved to listen to on the weekend and one of the songs I loved the most was called "Sixteen Tons." I think it was one of the earliest songs I learned to play on the guitar. This is a song about the life of a coal miner. I thought the lyrics were great. There was a verse that said, "If you see me coming better step aside. A lot of men didn't and a lot of men died. One fist is iron and the other one steel, if the right one don't get you then the left one will." My dad and I would croon out this song and when we would get to that verse he would grin, wink, and ball up his fists and hold them up. You would have to know my dad to grasp the brevity of this. My dad never even spanked me as a child...the odds of him hitting someone, anyone with his fists is hysterical. I remember one time when I was in dad came home from work, my mom told him how horrible I had been and that he needed to spank me. He took me into their bedroom, pulled his huge electricians belt off (which terrified me), and slapped the bed with it about four times. I was so scared that I cried out the first time, "No daddy!" My mom was probably listening at the door to make sure I would get my just rewards...gloating I am sure...well...the beating was done....I was none the worse for wear....everyone was dad didn't have to spank me, my mom thought I was punished thoroughly, and I missed the bullet to live and play another day. I always thought my dad looked like Tennessee Ernie Ford...and they do have some similar features....but looking back at him today...I was surprised at how much they DON'T look alike...funny what we think and remember as kids. I thought I would introduce you to the smooth stylings of Tennessee Ernie Ford. Enjoy and Happy Hump Day!

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