I can't help it.
Some people are all, "I don't bother getting the cute outfits because my kids outgrow it in a month." Not mine. I gave birth to incredibly skinny children who can remain in an outfit for over a year. Heck, my daughter is 2 and she can still fit into some 12-18 clothes.
Anyhow, I have some pictures. It's getting chilly over here which means it's time to break out the fall clothes!
I fell in love with the owl vest and had to have it.
How do I get her to laugh? I jump around and sing creepy Yo Gabba Gabba songs. Yes, my neighbors think I'm crazy. They've walked by several times. One guy shouted, "Nice song!" when I was singing about not biting your friends.
My neighbors also think I'm nuts because I do things like this:
What? So it's not normal to pose in sixteenth century clothing in your front yard? I once went outside and attempted to tend to the plants that I attempted to grow over the summer in this dress hoping that it would make gardening more exciting. It didn't. I was still bored and still wonder what people see in it. I suppose the outcome is nice but the problem is, I can't GET to the outcome. Oh well. And yes, I will be wearing this dress on Halloween. Maybe I'll even curtsy to the kids who come to the door and be like, "How does thou do this evening?"
Then Natalie started a conversation with a stick. Should I be concerned?
***Cue Muzak for the outfit change. La la la why do birds, suddenly appear....***
This would also be perfect for Valentine's Day.
Love this picture even though she seems really attached to those stick things..
She's all, "Yo. If you like these clothes, shop at Crazy8."
Her reaction when I told her we were out of Hershey Kisses. She's all, "WTF woman? You best be getting me some more chocolate."
She's all, "I know. I don't get the purpose of Dancing with the Stars either. If the show went away, there could be so many other shows in its place. It's on the air too much!"
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