When I was 13 years old the greatest thing that could ever happen to anyone on the face of the earth happened to me. I kissed Burt Reynolds....for real...right on the mouth! My best friends mom worked at the Royal Poinciana Playhouse in Palm Beach and she got some tickets for a benefit they were hosting. Burt Reynolds was to be the Master of Ceremonies and Mrs. Geiger knew I was a big Burt fan...so she asked me to go with her daughter and her. The beginning was kind of boring. It was just a bunch of people begging and pleading for money....kind of like the Jerry Lewis telethon every Memorial Day. But then Burt sweetened the pot when he said the next person in the audience to make a donation would get a kiss from him. Mrs. Geiger asked her daughter if she wanted to go and she said no. I was holding my breath...hoping she would ask me...and she did. I jumped at the offer and when the time came to walk the donation up I was all over it. Now...you all know me....you know that absolutely nothing ever goes like it is supposed to for me....well I was trying to be a big girl...so I wore garters to hold up my fishnet stockings....and on the stage....on national television....while Burt Reynolds kissed me....my stockings decided that now is the best time to roll down to her ankles and that is just exactly what they did. I could have died! Talk about a major mortification....this would have been it. I will never forget the moment....for good or for bad...yep, I kissed Burt Reynolds(one of the sexiest men on earth)...and embarrassed myself for eternity, on national television, all in one night....how lucky can a girl get! Happy Monday!
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