Well, summer is here and I wish Calgon would take me away. Most of my readers know that my parents live with me and the high point of my dad's day is watching our 52" big screen television, which my husband gave up to him...rather reluctantly. Anyways, yesterday we were in the string of thunderstorms that blew through the central part of Alabama dropping over 2 inches of rain....and lightening hit our big television. My dad has no short term memory....so I have told him numerous times since last night that there is no picture...just sound. I have tried to set up a chair for him in my bedroom so he can at least watch my little bedroom television...but I am not sure he understands. My mom - losing long term memory....asks me continuously...what is wrong with the tv? I want to scream....and of course...as luck would have it....finances are not where we can run out and buy a brand new big screen tv to replace it! To top it all off....my dad came home from his 7 a.m. doctor's appointment with a walking boot on. What was the Othropedic thinking???? The man can barely walk with regular legs...now he has a rocking boot thing on. It is going to be one of those days I think. I know this is probably a trivial thing to most people...but it is a major deal for me right now. I have to find a way to keep my dad happy and occupied...so I am trying to find a tv...besides the little 13 incher I have hidden away in the closet to take to the booth to sell. Keep your fingers crossed that this is just a minimal and temporary set back...and that I survive summer at home with my parents!
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