Especially when you have two messy kids.
I lose count of the messes that I clean up in a day.
So I decided to take pictures of everything I had to scrub up today. Here is what I've cleaned up so far:
This morning I found moon sand in my bathroom sink. I rue the day that I decided to purchase it because I've been finding the sand all over my house. I asked my son why there was moon sand in the sink and he said he was "watering" it. This confused me.
I'm working on potty training Natalie. I'll sometimes let her run around naked because I read that it's easier for kids to be that way when they're potty training. Needless to say, I don't think Natalie will get the chance to be naked for a long time. She peed all over the carpet and then calmly told me, "I pottied!" Then there was the time that I found her crouching over my shoe and it took me a few seconds to realize that she was totally PEEING in it. My poor Sketchers!
Do I have a daughter or a puppy?
I wish I could blame this spill on the kids. But it was me. I'm a total klutz and I knock things over on a daily basis. I may be the only adult who still bumps her drinking glass over on the table.
Natalie somehow managed to find some candy powder and took it upon herself to spread it around on the kitchen floor. "It's pretty!" she told me grandly when I caught her. Do you notice what her shirt says? It says Little Monster and I'm sorry, sometimes she truly is one.
Ack! Look what Tommy did. Okay, I'm kidding. I did that. Again, I'm a total klutz and I went to take a sip and managed to knock my juice onto the floor. What adult still does this????
Um. Can someone explain to me what in the world this is? I found it about an hour ago and at first I thought it was a bug. Then I peered closer and I was all, "The crap???" Is it pudding? Ew, what if it IS a smushed bug? But my husband isn't here so I doubt it--he has a bad habit of killing bugs and leaving the carcasses behind for ME to clean up. Whatever it is I'm still wary of cleaning it up. I'm slightly paranoid that it's...feces...though how it got on the wall like that is beyond me. But I have talented kids who have figured out all sorts of ways to leave behind messes.
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