He sent me this picture to cheer me up:
You have to understand that Tom and I find things like that hilarious. I mean, we practically go into convulsions from laughing so hard at the I Can Haz Cheeseburger site. Apparently looking at cats in funny positions is all it takes to keep us amused.
On Sunday I did feel better. My head wasn’t pounding and my throat didn’t feel as though I had been sucking on a jalepeno. I did feel a tad weak though; almost like I was walking through a fog. It took a few seconds longer for me to compute things. Like when Tommy asked for a glass of water I sort of sat there in confusion thinking, “Water? Where would I find water?”
Later on Tommy’s friends came over to play. Thankfully I like these friends. They’re sisters and one of the girls was all, “I had my first communion today!”
“Oh! Fantastic!” I quickly responded and flashed her a smile.
She still looked at me expectantly like she wanted more.
And because my brain wasn’t working properly I said, “Jesus be with you,” because in my foggy mind that seemed like the right thing to say when someone mentioned a communion. I also may have clasped my hands together as though I were praying and bowed slightly. This was because I was watching The Tudors and there are people bowing left and right on the show.
I think I confused the poor girl though. She jerked her head back in surprise and raised an eyebrow at me. Then she muttered out, “Thanks,” and hurried off because I think I scared her.
Oh, and thank you to Alicia for the lovely blogger award. I know I'm always behind in accepting these things. I'm not being rude, I swear, it's because I'm HTML stupid and have no idea what to do next.
And also, thank you to Braja for the shout out. Because of it I surpassed 200 visitors yesterday for the first time. I wanted to do a happy dance. Over 200 visitors! I mean, yeah, I know some bloggers average in 2000 vistors but I will take my 200 vistors and be thrilled.
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