Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Big Bang

The craziness never stops in this house.

I was in the middle of switching clothes into the dryer when I heard a loud bang upstairs. This was followed by a howl from my son Tommy.

Sometimes I think I gave birth to monkeys instead of children. They’re forever jumping off things. I thought that Tommy might have leaped of his bed and landed on his face. I mean, he IS my kid and clumsiness runs in our blood after all.

I rushed upstairs and heard the shower running.

Then I saw this:

I promised to blur out Tommy’s face because he was crying.

He claims the shower rod just “fell down” but I’m wondering if he tried to hang off of it. Or maybe he tried to do a flip on it. He’s always been fascinated by the gymnasts who can twist over a bar.

Needless to say, I couldn’t get the thing to go back up. I tried and tried and when the kids left the bathroom I cursed at it and okay, I may have thrown it into the bathtub in a fit of anger. I hate when I can’t figure things out.

I ended up just taking a deep breath and putting the rod in the corner of the bathroom.

Then I went downstairs and made this:

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