In this picture, taken three years ago at my Dad's 80th birthday party is one of the dearest men I know. His name is Claude Farris and he is just precious. He was my Aunt Shirley's boyfriend. Both of them have cancer. Today, my sweet Claude lost his fight with the big green monster and went home to be with his first wife and Jesus. I am thrilled that he is not going to be in pain any more....I am sad because he is leaving a huge hole in my heart. I adored this man. Several years ago...about ten I guess, Claude had everyone over to his house for a big cookout and sing along. He made sure he called me to see if I would be there. I apologized and told him how sorry I was but, I had tickets to see Garth Brooks and I could not pass that up. After that event passed every time I saw Claude he would tell me he'd been replaced by Garth...I'd argue that he hadn't...and he would play pout. It was our standard greeting. When he was diagnosed with cancer two years ago the playing subsided. Claude was in so much pain and just trying to exist...so everytime we would see each other I would assure him that I would never choose Garth over him again. He was my sweetie....and he was. I will miss Claude very much and I know a lot of other people will too. When you go to bed tonight...say a prayer for his family...and for my aunt. They will feel his absence the most. See you tomorrow for my last post before I fly out for San Diego.
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