Monday, June 15, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Well after my wonderful Sunday experience at Mangarelli's Pizzeria I woke up this morning to discover that it is just another manic Monday. I am going to house sit for a bit this morning to let some workers into a friends house because she is out of town with her grandbabies. I have to admit it makes me kind of happy to know I can escape my own house for a little while. Summer has been tough being home with my parents all day....every day. My mother is very good at finding things they want me to do. I was planning to work on my scrapbooks, but lost interest in that when my mom stood over my left shoulder and watched every move I made....and commented on it. I will save scrapbooking for a scrapping party where I can sit unmolested for a good 8 hours and just scrap. Sigh! I really should be deep cleaning the house today but I will save that for mid-week. I want it really looking good for the weekend and Father's Day. Who knows...we might have company. Tomorrow I am taking Mary to the Main Event in LaFayette for a pedi treatment for her birthday! I can't wait. Of course...I am going to have the same treatment. It would not be very nice of me to make her do it alone. Right? With that said...if I can just get through this manic Monday....tomorrow will be bliss. What is that Scarlet O'Hara says after Rhett leaves her....tomorrow is another day!....and maybe if I am lucky less manic. Have a Happy Monday all!

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