Monday, February 9, 2009

Where Did My Weekend Go?

It is Monday and I am sitting at my desk already.....I should be preparing for class....but instead I find myself asking the question, "Where did my weekend go?" This was one of those weekends....and you all have had them....where everybody had their little event on the same day. I ended my weekend at a meeting in Montgomery. It had the potential of being a long one but luck was on myside and we were dismissed by 8:00 p.m. Ramona was in labor so I was meant I could prepare for making a mad dash to P.C. That call never came and by the time I got everything ready for Saturday it was close to midnight. Saturday was a beautiful day....I think. I really would not know.....I bowled in a women's tournament.....from 9 - 3:30. When the tournament ended I jumped in my car and flew to Auburn, stopping only at Rite Aid in Dadeville to pick up a card and a gift, for a 5 year olds birthday party. Blake, a member of our Waverly congregation, was having a party at Burger King in Auburn. Frank, could not go because he had to that left me. I got to Burger King a little after 4 and stayed until 5:30. I enjoyed the guests and had a great time with Stacy, her mom, Kayla and David watching Blake open his gifts and eating cake. I left Burger King and ran to Belks to pick up a purchase for my friend, Mary. I was in Auburn....she was going to have to make a special trip. I left Belks, gassed up, and headed back to Alex City....where I changed clothes and Frank and I went to a Mardi Gras party for Kelly Forehand and her fiancee. Robin Hill Band was the featured I found a place to sit and enjoy the music. Sitting was a 8:30....I could not keep my eyes Frank and I headed back home for me to change we could go to the Arbor (after the CampFire girls Father-Daughter dance) and set up for Sunday. Set up was complete and we were back home around 10. I died! Sunday morning I was off and running again....Arbor by 7:30 - church til 10:15 - drive to Waverly for 11:00 home....grab lunch.....bowling alley by 1:15. Tournament kicked off at 1:30. Bowling singles and doubles does not take as long....but there is no break between the 6 games 4:00. I headed to Mary's to meet with Gretchen.....Mary Kay was fun....I felt relaxed for an hour.....home by 5:45. Graded some papers, checked my emails, played on pogo long enough to win a badge, checked facebook....showered, put on jammies, took a tylenol p.m. (my back, shoulders and arm were starting to ache), and settled down to play with the was 10:00. I don't remember anything after that.....until the clock went off at 5:30.....with the exception of my dachsund singing, at about 3:30, his howling love song to the lab puppy next door who was on our porch....and is in heat. Ain't love grand! Anyways.....I don't know where my weekend went....but Happy Monday anyways! Next weekend has to be better. I don't think I have anything scheduled......but I am sure I can find something!

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