Sunday, February 8, 2009

Under the Arbor

Ten years ago, a rag tag group of musicians gathered in our churches new Arbor to discuss being part of a Praise and Worship....Contemporary Service. How fun it was....but most of us had never been part of anything like this and did not know exactly what would happen. I began playing acoustic guitar. I was not a singer in the beginning....although I do sing. They really didn't need any singers....but now...guitar players....that was another story. About 6 weeks into practices I became a singer....AND guitar player. I felt like I had arrived. Ten years ago....I found my niche. I found my calling in the church. I found my ministry. Ten years later I am still going strong. Members of the band and worship leaders have come, gone, some have come again....but every Sunday when we stand on that stage and kick off the service with music....I feel so very priviledged to be part of something so great! It does not get better than this. The picture I put in the one of the I said....people have come and gone.....the young girl in green.....Jennifer an awesome musician....her husband Jason is a youth minister in was a little difficult for her to commute....The long haired young man, Richard now at college in Auburn and plays with another praise band. The man on the far left...Brian Bice is an awesome guitarist....he can make a guitar talk. Woman in blue t-shirt is one of the lead singers...Rhonda Kinman. She is from the Kinman family....what a set of pipes she has. She can make me weak at the knees with her voice. I feel honored to sing with her. Woman in red shirt - Rita Romine is our number one keyboardist....she plays like angels in black....I sing only behind me....Steve our bassist, silver haired man - Robert Turner - plays trumpet....look out Doc Severinson....yellow shirted lady - Cindy Pinkston - plays flute....and adds so much to most of our songs with her lilting sounds. Guy in red shirt is David Sturdivent - "Sticks" we lovingly call him. He is our drummer. He helps keep us straight...especially when we try to run away with a song...he is the ONLY one who can slow us down. We now have Debbie Blackmon on keys....a second keyboardist....Blue Vardaman as a leader - second time around. All in is such an honor to serve God in such a powerful way. I feel so alive when we are singing songs on stage....our congregation is awesome....they come as they are....share what they have or want to....and then go out into the community.....and do what they are called to do for God. Ten years....I hope I have ten serve God....with music....and my heart! Happy Sunday!

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