Saturday, February 21, 2009

Drew Hughes is Here.....Finally!

Look at that sweet face. We have new baby number two! Thomas Andrew Hughes (Drew) made his appearance into the world last night. He arrived by C-section after a long and tiring day of trying to get here. He weighed in at 6 pounds and 1.4 ounces and is 20 inches long. He was born at 8:55 p.m. on Feb. 20th. He is so tiny. According to my cousin, singing partner, Amanda he has lots of hair and it looks curly. He is a doll. His daddy looks like Mr. Incredible and his mom is lovely. Both of them are beautiful inside and out. As of 10:00 p.m. both mom and son were fine. Grandy(Grandfather Randy) sounded tired....but relieved. God is truly good to my family these days and with the birth of this new precious little one....I began to reflect on a song my cousin Amanda wrote that we sing. It is called "Life Goes On." Most people call it Katie's song. Amanda has been a labor and delivery nurse forever....and loves it. She is one of those people who loves what she does...and loves bringing those little ones into the world. night about 15 years ago, while working, the floor was almost empty and two sets of nurses were in order to save some money....they sent half the nursing staff home. Amanda stayed. One end of the floor was ICU and the other was Labor and Delivery. She noticed a woman walking between the two ends .......and after talking to her...wrote this song. It took us a year to sing it without crying. It is probably our most requested song. The story is this:

Life Goes On (Katie's Song)

It was almost 9 o'clock when Joe brought Katie to the floor

He said, "I'm not sure but I think it's time for the baby to be born."

With a fearful look Katie asked, "Is everything alright?"

With a knowing look and a loving smile the nurse said, "You'll have this child tonight."

Down the hall in another room another Katie lay

Pale and tired she drew a ragged breath and her family stood to pray.

With a fearful look her daughter asked, "Will mama be alright?"

With a knowing look and a loving hand the nurse said, "I don't think she'll last the night."

Life goes, and life goes on

We are all part of a bigger plan to which we all belong

Heaven knows, we're not here for very long

Life goes and life goes on.

All through the night the daughter prayed and waited for the sun

Then she'd walk down the hall and say to Joe, "How's Katie doin' son?"

And I realized what pain and joy this family must be in.

Waiting for a life to end and a new life to begin.

She said my daughter Katie is my mother's namesake

And when mama knew her time was short she said this vow I'll make,

"That I'll be here when this child comes into the world

And I hope with all my heart that it's a girl."

Just before the dawn I heard a shout and Joe said, "Thank You Lord."

And they all rejoiced and marveled at the child that had been born.

Then the daughter slipped down to Katies room as the sun broke through the sky

Kissed her brow, said it's a girl, and Katie breathed her last goodbye.

Life goes and life goes on.

We're all part of a bigger plan to which we all belong

Heaven knows, we're not here for very long

Life goes and life goes on.

Life goes and life goes on.

The bittersweet part of this is that my dad and Amanda's mom both have lung cancer. The day they were both diagnosed....I heard this song in my head. The nights both Wheeler and Drew were born the song was present again. God is so good and sometimes He uses our own words to remind us that He is in control. We all are a part of a bigger plan.....and we are not here for eternity....and life truly does go on.....inspite of the bad, the good, the sad, the goes and goes on. Wow....what a powerful concept to ingest. Thanks God for the reminder. Happy Saturday all!

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