Monday, February 9, 2009

Randomness at Its Finest!

I was on Jordan Nicholas' blog site today and found another piece of randomness I simply cannot resist. It's harder than you think! Here is what you are supposed to do... and please don't spoil the fun... copy and paste into your own note...type in your one word answers and tag a bunch of people including me. I am not going to tag anyone. Not everyone enjoys random trivia like I if you want to do it, have fun...if not read mine and laugh. The choice is yours.

Where is your cell phone? Desk
Your father? Fred
Your mother? Wilma
Your favorite thing? ring
Your dream last night? None
Your favorite drink? tea
Your dream goal? retired
The room you are in? classroom
Your fear? failure
Where do you want to be in 6 years? traveling
Muffins? blueberry
Favorite band? Kansas
Favorite hobby? scrapbooking
Favorite show? NCIS
One of wish list items? Guitar
Where did you grow up? Florida
The last thing you did? blogged
What you are wearing? clothes
Your t.v.? Magnavox
Your pets? Dog
Your computer? Dell
Your life? Adventure
Your mood? sad
Missing someone? brother
Your car? Chevy
Favorite store? Fringe's
Your favorite color? Blues
When is the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Saturday
Three people who email you? Mary, Kat, Rita
Three of my favorite foods? Italian, Mexican, hamburgers

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